Sailfish Paint Chart


Billfish Magazine and Saltwater Sportsman are excellent sources for sailfish/billfish reference photos.


Colors Used

How to Apply

100 Basecoat Sealer Entire fish
971 Silver Metallic Entire fish
702 Pure White Lower belly, inside mouth
975 Chrome Pearlescent Spray over white and rest of body, except tail
503 Sailfish Blue Sail, tail, upper back, bill and pectoral fins
502 Deep Violet Over blue on back, bill and tail. Shade anal fin
933 Bronze Metallic or 201 Rich Brown Lightly on middle of sides and edge of mouth
201 Rich Brown Narrow stripe just below blue in back
601 Jet Black Darken edges of sail. Darken bill and back over violet and blue. Make uneven marks to tie back colors with brown stripe. Reproduce spots on sail
504 Pale Blue Series of vertical spots on sides
941 Iridescent Green Middle of tail and lower jaw
951 Iridescent Blue Across back, top of head. Shade tail
Gloss Entire fish
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